And Mary said, "Do whatever He tells you." -- John 2:5

Faith Growth



Parish School of Religion (PSR)

Classes for our PSR begin in mid September.  Our younger PSR students meet every other Sundays, after Mass, from  mid September though early May. There is no greater gift a parent can give their children than to pass on their love of the Catholic Faith.

For students in Grades 1-2, they will prepare for the sacraments of Holy Communion and Reconciliation.  Grades 3 will have post-Holy Communion formation and learn the prayers and importance of the participating in the Mass.

For 2023-2024 academic formation year, the youth in grades 4 and higher will meet together with all parishioners and inquirers of the faith to deepen there understanding of living a sacramental life and growing in holiness.   We will use the Catholic Symbolon Series (20 sessions) to deepen our relationship with Jesus and his Church.

Sessions will be on the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of the month with an approximate meeting time from 9:45 am to 11:00 am. 

There will also be some outside of the parish gatherings for our junior high & high school youth as we look to join our sister parish, Our Lady of the Lake in Branson, and other Catholic youth gatherings throughout the year.  These special activities will usually be on one Wednesday evening a month.





The Rite of  Christian Initiation Adults

R.C.I.A. Session #1, begins in early September. 

It is never too late to enter the vineyard...

Thinking about joining the Catholic Church but not sure what to do or who to ask? Maybe you know someone has expressed interest in learning more about our faith. An open invitation awaits acceptance.

​For 2023, Our Lady of the Ozarks will be conducting in-parish formation for those individuals desiring to discover the riches of the Catholic faith. Sessions will meet on the 1st, 3rd, and 4th Sundays of the month, after the 8:30 am Mass.  Sessions are for the entire parish family.  We will meet in Marian Hall. And if that schedule doesn't work, speak to Deacon Dan for individual (or small group) inquiry / formation classes.

Questions?  Contact Deacon Dan.


Adult Faith Formation 

(for those who want to grow deeper in their faith)

Throughout the year, Deacon Dan facilitates faith mini-series to engage Adult Faith Formation (and Fellowship). We have these sessions once in the Fall and again during the season of Lent.  Times and Topics to be announced in the bulletin.  If you have a suggestion, speak to Deacon Dan.

For 2023 we are doing the Symbolon Series from  The 20-part series provides a clear explanation of the Catholic faith, what and why we believe the teachings of Jesus and his Church.  This education series is open to the entire parish body, Catholic or not.  You might say, a one-room school house setting.  We will be meeting after Sunday Mass, from mid September 2023 - March 2024.


Sacrament Preparation

Have questions regarding the Sacraments or seeking information about the Catholic Church? Please contact Deacon Dan or the Office.

Marriage: Requires at least six months advance notice for preparation and scheduling. (If you have been married before, an annulment may be necessary.)

Infant/Youth Baptism: Your family needs to be registered in the parish prior to the baptism. And, it is necessary to take a baptismal preparation course, preferably prior to the birth of your child.

RCIA Adult Baptism/Confirmation: If you are interested in becoming a Catholic or are a Catholic adult who has not been Confirmed, let's talk. Our door is always open to discuss the next steps in faith formation.

Visitation of the Sick: If you are homebound and desire Communion, contact Deacon Dan. 

Anointing of the Sick: if you desire this sacrament please call Our Lady of the Lake Church (417) 334-2928 and request to speak to a priest.  Or call Deacon Dan (812) 204-2625 and he will get in touch with a priest on your behalf.


Catholic Resources

  • Listen to local Catholic radio on 91.9 FM

  • Listen to the Catholic Channel on Sirius XM radio channel 129

  • Listen to EWTN on Sirius XM radio channel 130, iHeartRadio, EWTN app on your phone or online: